Thursday, April 4, 2013

The List...Educating Kids During The Summer

  1. Find out what exhibits, events, or concerts are happening in your town over the summer and take the kids to them. Discuss these events with them, let them express themselves freely.
  2. Let them help with dinner. They can read the directions and follow them under your supervision
  3. Let them write the grocery list. If they are too young, let them draw a picture of the item on the list.
  4. Explore around the house if you can't go elsewhere. They can write or draw in a journal, documenting their finds and thoughts.
  5. Listen to them read...anything!
  6. Let them learn using the are some educational websites you may be interested in, per
  • National Geographic Kids: offers great nature videos, activities, games, stories, and more
  • CoolMath4Kids: take a trip through an amusement park of math and more at this extremely interactive math website
  • Smithsonian Kids Collecting: how to start your own collection and see what other kids collect
  • Explore Dinosaurs: FAQs and top 10 myths about dinosaurs, a virtual dig, behind the scenes tours, and more from the National Museum of Natural History
  • Smithsonian Digging for Answers: a site that tests your research skills and knowledge
  • NASA Quest: interactive explorations that engage students in real science and engineering. Topics include robots, helicopters, lunar exploration, and designing your own human-friendly planet
  • My Wonderful World: a multimedia tour of our seven continents
  • Time for Kids: fun games (The Great State Race), an online weekly magazine written for kids, and news from around the world
I'll be adding to this list but for now, I think this will give you a good starting point.

Quote of the Day!

“Hope never abandons you; you abandon it” -George Weinberg


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Quote of the Day!

"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." - Franklin D. Roosevelt